NOW OFFERING Telemental Health Services ONLY in
We continue to see a thriving practice and patients are seen via Simple Practice. Mediations and workshops are conducted via Zoom. Please be sure to note the change in office location to P.O.Box 2656, Acworth, GA 30102. Thank you very much for your support and understanding! Stay well!
Welcome to
Peacemaker Solutions!
Where our services are designed to promote healthy individuals & relationships thrive
personally and professionally.
- Counseling & Therapy,
- Mediation/Conflict Management,
- Training & Continuing Education, and
- Consultation.
- We consider the whole person in assessing and providing evidenced-based solutions to the problems that plague individuals, families, and ultimately communities.
- We utilize research and traditional methods as well as non-traditional considerations in treatment plans.
- We join with you to discover and develop viable solutions to your problems and support you in making informed decisions in the best interests of those involved.
Did you know...
(Some statistics for consideration)

According to the CDC...
"Mental illness is associated with increased occurrence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, epilepsy and cancer. (CDC)"
"Psychological science has revealed that long-term stress creates risks for a variety of mental health challenges, may make us feel more sensitive even to daily hassles, can have broader impacts on our general life outlook and goals, and affects the body’s physiological response to stressors in ways that have notable implications for our physical health. Coping with long-term stress requires a different set of skills than adjusting to temporary stressors." (CDC)
"Stress puts the body on high alert and ongoing stress can accumulate, causing inflammation, wearing on the immune system, and increasing the risk of a host of ailments, including digestive issues, heart disease, weight gain, and stroke." (CDC)
- "Published studies report that about 25 percent of all U.S. adults have a mental illness and that nearly 50 percent of U.S. adults will develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime. (CDC)"

The 2023 Stress in America survey reports...
- " ...adults in the United States rate their average stress level at 5 out of 10, and 43% say their stress keeps piling up."
6 Things researchers want you to know about stress
- Stress can manifest in the body.
- Physical effects of stress can be damaging even when you appear “fine” on the outside.
- Effects don’t end when the stressful experience ends.
- Social support is good for everyone.
- Some coping mechanisms don’t suffice in unbearable situations.
- You need stress—and often grow from it.- www.stressinamerica.org

Stress Effects on the Body according to the APA
Check out this fact sheet on how stress affects your health!
Adjust your sleep pattern for improved quality of sleep and
improved mental health.
"The report comes as the first step in [National Sleep Foundation] NSF’s effort to spearhead defining the key indicators of good sleep quality. The key determinants of quality sleep are included in a report published in Sleep Health. They include:
- Sleeping more time while in bed (at least 85 percent of the total time)
- Falling asleep in 30 minutes or less
- Waking up no more than once per night; and
- Being awake for 20 minutes or less after initially falling asleep."
"At Peacemaker Solutions,
we are all about
changing lives, personal and professional,
for the better!"
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